Rolled Roof

Posted by Admin on 23nd August, 2010  •  Comments (18)  • 

rolled roof rolled roof

If you want to give your house a whole new look then you can quite easily install rolled roofing. It’s a convient and simple roofing to apply, which means that you don’t necessarily need expensive roofing contractors in to the job at extra expense, since you will do it yourself. So if you have a rooftop that’s gradually getting more and more worn, a rolled roof is a great alternative to having tiles or slates which are more expensive are much harder to fit. If you don’t have much free money but you want to be safe in the knowledge that your home is water tight then a rolled roof may be just for you.

Since rolled roofing comes in a variety of types and style, you will have plenty of choice so you can make sure that your new rolled roof fits in with the character and style of your house. Once you find the style that suites you the most, you will be able to enjoy your new roof, for many years to come in the future. Even this type of roofing is perhaps not quite as attractive as tiles or slate, it can still look great as long as you do pick one that fits in with your properties aesthetics.

If you are going to install your own rolled roof, you must make sure that you use the right safety equipment. Since you will be venturing onto a roof, it’s usually best to have a friend to hand to help you out and make the installation go all the more smoothly whilst at the same time making sure everything is safe for both of you, for example holding ladders and passing equipment. Once you have all the equipment, including the right types of adhesive and cutting tools you are ready to go to install your new roof.

Some things to note about his type of roofing is that is not a durable as tiles or slate, you will need to replace this roof every 7-10 years, obviously if you can do a good a job as possible initially you will get a long lasting roof that does not leak. As for getting the materials and tools, most hardware stores or large retailers will have everything you need to start the job. They will be happy to assist you in getting everything together including hammers nails, adhesive and cutting knives. Before long you will have a fantastic new roof that you have installed yourself.